What is a Logdock?
We offer you 4 different dock types – suitable for every application – which are modularly designed:
- Logdock BASIC
- Logdock MEDI
- Logdock Pro
- Logdock Ultra
The Nani Logdock is a loading ramp concept for modern logistics buildings. It fulfills the following four functions of a loading ramp for the 21st century:
1. It must be possible to dock the truck with closed rear doors! The complicated, partially dangerous opening of the gates, which is unfavorable from the point of view of hygienic and energy engineering, should be avoided in modern buildings by a simple new concept of the ramp with a step.
- Truck rear doors closed
- Truck rear doors opened inwards
2. The sectional door should close at the front BEFORE the dockleveller and not leave the overloading bridge on the overloading bridge and thus the space under the overloading bridge and the slots all around the same as for conventional loading ramps.
- Sectional door closes ON dockleveller
- Sectional door closes BEFORE dockleveller
3. In the case of the logistic processes, which are tailored to absolute efficiency, it is important that trucks can remain on the ramp even during an interruption of the loading process, without the need for the trailer, the change-over truck, the container, etc. It must be possible to close the truck and also the building without shunting the vehicle. If the loading operation is interrupted, the dockleveller is retracted, the truck is closed and the gate is also closed, and as soon as the loading is to be continued, the door and then the truck are opened again and the overloading bridge is inserted again..
4. The flexibility of the loading ramp is now more important than ever before. The variations of the truck types to be removed are becoming ever greater. Even if, for example, you are currently not using and handling trucks with loading deck walls, the loading ramps should be geared towards ensuring that such trucks can be handled in the future. For this, enough space is needed below the overflow bridge for the loading of the loading wall.
- Pit with underpassability for tail lifts
All these functions can be guaranteed with the Nani Logdock. On the individual product pages, the advantages and disadvantages are all illustrated according to the BASIC version and the loading process only with BASIC.
The Logdock can be designed in various designs:
- As a sling gate
- As a classic ramp that is integrated into the building and
- As a separate stepped plateau, which, however, is again placed in a corresponding pit in the building.
Each Logdock has in each case the following three products
- A Dockleveller – with feed (usually a feed of 1000mm or even 1200mm/1300mm)
- A Dockshelter – with tarp or a 3-sided or 4-sided inflatable gate seal
- A Sectional Door – that closes ahead BEFORE the dockleveller and thus optimally seals the loading point in the closed state.
- In the case of a prefabricated sluice in front of the building, the stepped plateau is added, which is closed with steel construction and panels
- When integrating the steel step plateau into the building, only this plateau is added
In addition, each Logdock must be protected by means of a height-adjustable buffer system. We offer you three options:
- The Nani Dock Bumper AMG (manually height-adjustable) / AHG (hydraulically height-adjustable)
- The Nani Dock Bumper AMS (manually height-adjustable) / AHS (hydraulically height-adjustable)
- The Nani Crash Guard AHB (Height-adjustable approach beam)
Each variation of the Logdock can optionally be extended with the following products:
- The 4-sided inflatable door seal A-TAD-U – retrofit of the starting beam is necessary
- The Nani safety package consisting of the electronic wheel wedge, light switches and a traffic light system
- Truck entry aids for center docking
- A floor ISO panel that insulates the loading point from below and onto which the sectional door closes.