» ÜRÜNLER  Yükleme teknolojisi  Çukur ve gemi kilit kapakları
Yükleme teknolojisi
Çukur ve gemi kilit kapakları
   Kategoriler: Yükleme teknolojisi
   yayınlandı ve güncellendi: 30. Eylül 2022

Pit Covers


Pit Covers are often used in factories, logistics centres, in medicine, for underfloor installations, in waterworks and in manufacturing production. Professional protection of a pit increases safety in the workplace and prevents accidents at work. In our case, they also serve as placeholders for a dockleveller that may be installed later. The pit covers are stable and safe and can be driven over by all industrial trucks. Externally, they do not differ from docklevellers in use.

Ship Lock Covers


In shipping, there is lock technology or port technology to be covered in many different locks / water locks, ship lifts, but also in ports and port facilities. For all these applications, we have already designed, manufactured and installed a variety of solutions to protect the technology from weather, rain and moisture. No matter whether the cylinders of the lock gates, the locking technology or the drive technology are to be protected – simple lock covers with functional hydraulics are the best solution for this task. If required, these covers can also be manufactured in stainless steel, INOX, V2A and V4A.
We also regularly manufacture stairs, walkways and fall protection of all kinds for these facilities.




Nani Verladetechnik GmbH & Co.KG
Siegerslebener Str.12
39365 Eilsleben

Yol tarifi


Telefon: +49 (0) 39409 - 914 0

Faks: +49 (0) 39409 - 345

E-Mail: info[at]nani.de
